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  • Yadle

Yadle 'Hopper' Release: Introducing Search Filters

Updated: Jan 28, 2022

We close out the year 2021 with a bang! Adding a highly requested feature to the Yadle platform - Search Filters.

The Yadle 'Hopper' Release (December 31st 2021) was done with ease-of-use at the forefront. While it is completely possible to manually craft the search terms that correspond to filters such as file format, size, etc, the search filter interface provides an excellent option for both new and expert Yadle users.

As selections are made in the search filter UI, the corresponding search terms are added to a list underneath the search bar. As shown below, you can see that for each of our defined filters, there is a corresponding search term that is added. You could just as easily perform the same filtering by manually typing in each of the search terms in the main search bar. Useful if you were scripting very refined searches using Yadle's API somewhere in your pipeline.

We thank all of our customers for the feedback that has resulted in this powerful feature being added to the Yadle platform. The team at Yadle continues to press on in 2022 delivering other highly requested feature additions and improving upon the core platform.

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